The Insurance Appraisal Umpire for Storm Damage You Can Trust in Florida

At Kaleb Blake Company, we understand that when storm damage wreaks havoc on your property, resolving insurance claim disputes becomes paramount. We take pride in being the insurance appraisal umpire for storm damage that homeowners and business owners turn to across Florida. Our unwavering commitment to neutrality and a comprehensive investigative approach sets us apart from other insurance appraisal umpires. You can count on us to address external and structural losses, including damage to windows, roofing, and siding, as well as complete personal property assessments.

Investigative Excellence

We take great pride in our commitment to thorough investigation. When you partner with us, we will go beyond the surface to uncover every detail that contributes to your storm damage claim. This includes researching permits, collaborating with independent engineers, and working with contractors to provide unbiased assessments. Our meticulous approach ensures that your claim is based on the most accurate information possible.

Court-Appointed Trust

In the world of insurance appraisal, an umpire is either agreed upon by the insurer and insured or appointed by the court when an agreement can’t be reached. Kaleb Blake Company has been appointed by the court on numerous occasions, which is a testament to our unwavering neutrality and trustworthiness as an insurance appraisal umpire for storm damage disputes.

Your Path to Equitable Storm Damage Solutions

When harsh weather leads to storm damage umpire claim disputes, Kaleb Blake Company stands as your trusted ally. Our dedication to neutrality, thorough investigation, and commitment to fairness ensure that both insurance carriers and policyholders find common ground and reach resolutions that withstand scrutiny. Reach out today to find out more about what makes us the most trusted insurance appraisal umpire for storm damage in Florida.

In Claim Gross Loss
Resolved Claims
Years of Experience